The DeFi space has witnessed tremendous growth in traffic as new protocols are coming into play. Several new innovations are taking place in the crypto space due to the flexible nature of smart contracts. With this, most of the major protocols are upgrading their features in order to gain more user-base.

Hashstack being a lending protocol, has considered the major disadvantage of lending platforms i.e. over-collateralization, and has designed the Open Protocol to provide undercollateralized loans. Let’s see where Hashstack stands in this competitive market by comparing it with some of the most popular and established lending protocols like Aave, Compound, and MakerDAO.

Hashstack MakerDao Compound Aave
Collateralization Under-collateralized Over-collateralized Over-collateralized Over-collateralized
Loan to collateral value 300:100 69:100 70:100 (20 to 50):100
Permissible withdrawal 70 69 70 20 to 50
Use cases Personal cash, trading capital, leveraging, longing and shorting, arbitrage etc. Personal cash needs / IDO investments Personal cash needs / IDO investments Personal cash needs / IDO investments
Asset utilization rate 45-60% (testnet) 30-35% 33-38% 15-18%
Liquidation Dual liquidation solution (liquidators & protocol driven) Auctioned liquidations Liquidators Liquidators
Total value locked (USD) 356 Mn (testnet) 14,520 Mn 11,490 Mn 6,310 Mn
Asset utilization Loans: Personal cash, trading capital, IDO investments Retail loans Retail & Institutional loans Retail loans
Third party integrations JediSwap No No No
Multi-chain Yes
ZK-L2 [Starknet, Polygon, zkEVM]
EVM [Polygon, Ethereum] Ethereum only Ethereum only Yes
Interest rate model Algorithmic Base rate + algorithmic Base rate + algorithmic Base rate + algorithmic